Sunday, August 30, 2009

Living in our "Now"

This is my first attempt to get a blog entry made into this new blog. I created a blog a couple of years ago but found that I never was able to keep up with. I may be underestimating myself, but at this point in time I don't fancy that Iwill be able to keep this one up either.

The title of my blog comes from the fact that I seem to live more in the "someday" than the "now". Why is that? Why can't I just be happy where I'm at? Here's just a small list of my "somedays":
  • Someday I'll marry a man who loves me (check this off the list as of 10/4/08)
  • Someday I'll lose enough weight and feel really comfortable in my body. As of now, I'm at my heaviest weight ever and am actually quite disgusted with myself.
  • Someday we'll have a house that we like. I moved in with my husband before we were ever married. It was a house that he had lived in with his dad and purchased it when his dad moved back to Texas. Now he absolutely hates it, and no matter what I do I can't seem to "turn it into a home" for him. Is he just being ungrateful. On a more serious note, I too would like for us to find a home together. We both have our minds set on a ranch style home with walkout basement. Right now we live in a bi-level so that could part of the reasoning behind our "desire".
  • Someday we'll have enough money that we won't have any debt. Hmmmm...well, first of all we had a wedding and we're finishing paying that. We also have my smile makeover, which I am forever grateful for but still dread the bill that comes with it. And, debt just keeps adding up and up. Unlike my husband, I do believe we will be taken care of. He, on the other hand, would just as soon win the lottery.

    And, perhaps the biggest "SOMEDAY" is:
  • Someday I'd like to be a mommy. I've had this dream since I was very little. I used to play with my dollies and mimic my mommy when I was a very young girl. I always knew in my heart of hearts that I wanted children of my own someday. I'm 33 now and it still hasn't happened. We're currently trying to conceive, and I am hoping and praying that we will be blessed. Why would God put such a strong desire in my heart if it weren't meant to come true? Can anyone answer that question? I will say that I am lucky to have four furry children: 2 cats-Archie and Sophie and 2 dogs- Brandie and Autumn. Our house is full of furry love right now. We're just waiting to add to the mix!

I'm sure I could go on and on making a list, but I don't want to continue to sound ungrateful for the things I do have. I have a loving husband, four furry children, a roof over my head, and a job that provides. I also know that God is the protector of it all. Where is my faith? Where is my Hope? These things I put down at the feet of my Heavenly Father. I know that our "someday" will be "now". But, for now I will live in this current "someday" for it is my "now".

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