Last week, I visited the Nurse Practitioner I go to on an annual basis. I arrived with my charts in hand, convinced that something is wrong and we need to start testing STAT! To provide some of the back story prior to that appointment...I'd already decided to lay off on charting this month, and I haven't taken my temperature in a couple of weeks. It's actually been nice not to be awakened by the early alarm. I also saved money and didn't by any OPK's (Ovulation Predictor Kits). I have been paying attention to all of the other signs so that we could maximize our efforts, but I don't think my husband would accuse me of treating him like a "Robot" this month. LOL!
So...back to the charts and the NP. I'm sure she's seen it many times before, but I couldn't help but wish I was inside of her head. I'm sure the thoughts went something like, "here's another crazy chick trying to control the baby making process. . . yada yada yada." Basically, she told me to the lay off the charting, and I was proud to tell her that I already had. From what she could tell from the charts, I am having normal cycles. Her advice was to get through the holidays and make an appointment for January with one of the doctors. She said that at that point I could explore options with the doctor, etc. Of course, she also said, "schedule the appointment, relax your way through the holidays, and you'll probably get pregnant and have to call and cancel the appointment." LOL! If only that could be true! She did clariy that she could offer no guarantees on that statement...LOL! I'm just glad she approached it with a sense of humor.
As of now, I have an appointment for mid-February. So much for January...that's how busy the doctor is. I'm at peace with that ...for now. I'm sure I will have a "freak out" moment in the next few months and call back to see if I can get in before the first of the year. I hope that doesn't happen. I hope and pray that we will have a positive result before that appointment but know that I need to be realistic. I'm doing what I can to be as "chill" as possible for the next few months. Lord, we're doing what we can and are doing our best to leave it in Your hands!
Hey Bri!
ReplyDeleteI just saw your comment on my blog about Molly and her story and all and I just wanted to check our your blog and say HI! :) I live in Lafayette, which is crazy when I meet someone via my blog who also lives in CO. It's only happened once before. :) Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for praying for us and for rejoicing with us too!! I'll be adding you and your husband to my prayer list for babies! My only advice, since this is my third time around the block of trying, would be to "relax" as best as you can. Enjoy your husband, enjoy each other, and don't focus so much on getting pregnant. It's far more exciting when you're not hung up on worrying about it. And I know because I went through that after we lost Molly. Anyway, please feel free to email me anytime!
I hope you enjoyed the conference!! So glad you went! It's so good to go.
Happy weekend!!